Friday, July 24, 2015

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Android controlled notice board project

Android Controlled Notice Board Project

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Android Controlled Notice Board Project

The project is an electronic notice board that is controlled by an android device and displays message on it. Traditionally, there were notice boards where any information or notice had to be stick daily. This becomes tedious and requires daily maintenance.
The project overcomes this problem by introducing an electronic display notice board interfaced to an android device through Bluetooth connectivity. The Bluetooth receives the message from the android device that is sent to a microcontroller of 8051 family. The microcontroller displays the message on a LCD screen. This project can be used in colleges, offices, railway stations or airports for displaying any information.

Hardware Specifications
  • Micro controller unit [8051 Family]
  • Regulator
  • Transformer
  • BLUETOOTH Device
  • LCD (16×2)
  • Diodes

Software Specifications
  • Keil µVision IDE
  • MC Programming Language: Embedded C
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5 Alternative ways to charge a mobile without 'ELECTRICITY'

     5 Alternative Ways To Charge A Mobile                          Without Electricity                                         Everyone can charge a smartphone using a charger; but have you ever wondered what if you are stranded on an island, and there is no electric power? Smartphones can certainly be a huge help during an emergency, but about this emergency when the smartphone goes out of power?

We have tried to come-up with some unconventional, unorthodox ways using which you can charge a smartphone, without using electricity!
Please note that some of these methods are still in the experimental stage, and can take some time to get materialized.

1) Unlock The Power Of Pee

Researchers from England’s University of Bristol and Bristol Robotics Laboratory are right now researching ways to convert your urine into a power source. Phase 1 of the project: ‘Urine-Tricity’ is over, and now they are into phase 2 of their project.
The whole concept is based on Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs), which can create analternate source of power when urine flows through them. When microbes encounter urine, they consume them as part of their metabolic process. As soon as microbes consume the urine, they release electrons which are captured by an electrode connected with the MFCs. Soon the circuit is completed and electricity is produced.
Once this project gets due approvals, it can be really easy to charge a smartphone; you know what to do in case of an emergency!

2) Using Winds To Create Power for Mobile

Wind Farms are an excellent alternate source of power, which is gaining traction all over the world. But can winds be used to charge a mobile phone? Tjeerd Veenhoven from The Netherlands had created iFan, which uses wind power to charge up an iPhone. Using the computer fan which is found in every desktop and laptop, he has designed a system wherein iPhone can be charged within 5 hours.
Fan Charger1
The condition is that the device should be able to get winds in order to get the power generated. One suggestion as shared on his blog, is to tie up the device on a bicycle or a car. As the vehicle moves, wind would be directly available to the device and your mobile can keep on charging. Pretty neat idea!

3) Soft-Drink-Powered Phone

Doctors all over the world fume over carbonated drinks which are full of sugar and fat. But a Chinese designer has come up with a tremendous idea to charge a mobile phone (using Bio-batteries) with Soft-drinks. Instead of drinking, the phone user needs to pour soft drinks in a special cell which transforms the energy released by soda, sugar and carbons to create electric charge which can easily charge a phone.
soft drink charger
In this blog, he has demonstrated the usage on a Nokia feature phone.
Once the charge finishes, only water and oxygen remains, thereby making it economically sustainable as well!

4) Cook Food And Charge Your Mobile

This method would be a sure shot hit among Indian ladies when it is finally launched: Pan Charger. A Japanese innovation firm has created a pan charger which can use heat to produce enough energy to charge a phone.
Heat electric charger
The Pan Charger, as the name coined by their CEO, is made up of base which contains strips of ceramic thermoelectric material. The temperature differentials and the 100 degree C water inside the pan allow the device to create power, which can be extracted using a USB device. Any device which can operate on 2W/400mA can be charged on this pan. In fact, it is estimated that an iPhone can be charged within 5 hours!

5) Shout To Charge The Phone

Can energy produced by shouting used to charge a phone?
Researchers at South Korea’s Sungkyunkwan University are actually conducting research into this hidden source of power. But there are several problems with this theory; for example, a prototype device needs atleast 100 decibels, which is the equivalent of noisy traffic or a jet passing overhead — to generate 50 millivolts of electricity. Such small energy can no doubt help the battery of a smartphone but cant charge it fully. A typical battery needs 5 to 10 volts to get charged up.
Scientists from Korea have placed two electrodes which are connected by minute nano-strands of zinc oxide. When a human being shouts, then the vibrations caused by the sound are absorbed by these nano-strands which produces energy. In fact, other background noises such as traffic noise etc can also be used to generate this energy. Research is still on, but it ‘sounds’ very interesting!
Earlier we had reported some other unconventional methods to charge a phone such as shoessun glasses and nano-crystals.
We hope that some of these methods are actually adapted and mass-produced so that our dependence on electricity is lessened, and we have ample options to charge a mobile even if we are left stranded on an island.
Do you know of any other method to charge a mobile besides using direct electricity? Please share your views and insights right here!
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Paper battery

    Paper Battery Construction and Working

Paper Battery

Paper Battery
Paper Battery
The flexible and thin energy storage device which can be used as a battery is called as paper battery. This paper battery can also be used as a capacitor. This battery can be produced by merging the nanotubes (made using carbon) and nano-composite paper (made using cellulose). The paper battery consists of property of a battery – high-energy storage capacity and property of super capacitor – high-energy density and thus, produces extreme power.

Paper Battery Construction

The major components used for the construction of paper battery include:
  • Carbon Nanotube (CNT) used for cathode terminal
  • Lithium metal (Li+) used for anode terminal
  • Different types of electrolytes that include blood, urine, and sweat (which are termed as bio-electrolytes)
  • Paper (Cellulose-Separator)

7-Simple Steps for the Construction of Paper Battery

Step 1: Take a cellulose-based paper and apply black carbon ink on it
Step2:  Spread this ink applied on the paper
Step3: After spreading ink, laminate a thin film over the cellulose surface
Step4: Heat the cellulose paper for 5min at 80 degrees C
Step5: Then, peel off the film from the substrate
Step6: The electrodes of paper battery are formed by film. The electrolytes LTO and LCO are connected to different films
Step7: The functioning of paper battery can be checked by connecting battery terminals to the LED
Paper Battery Structure
Paper Battery Structure

Paper Battery Working

The conventional rechargeable batteries which we use in our day-to-day life consist of various separating components which are used for producing electrons with the chemical reaction of a metal and electrolyte. If once the paper of the battery is dipped in ion-based liquid, then the battery starts working i.e., electricity is generated by the movement of electrons from cathode terminal to anode terminal. This is due to the chemical reaction between the electrodes of paper battery and liquid. Due to the quick flow of the ions within a few seconds (10sec) energy will be stored in the paper-electrode during the recharging. By stacking various paper-batteries up on each other, the output of the paper battery can be increased.
Paper Battery Working
Paper Battery Working
As the paper batteries are connected each other very closely for increasing their output, there is chance of occurring short between the anode terminal and cathode terminal. If once the anode terminal contacts with cathode terminal, then there will be no flow of current in the external circuit. Thus, to avoid the short circuit between anode and cathode a barrier or separator is needed, which can be fulfilled by the paper separator.
Nanotubes used for Paper Battery
Nanotubes used for Paper Battery
Paper Battery= Paper (Cellulose) + Carbon Nanotubes
The paper battery can be used for various applications as it facilitates advantages such as folding, twisting, molding, crumpling, shaping, and cutting without affecting on its efficiency. As the paper batteries are the combination of cellulose paper and carbon nanotubes, which facilitates advantages of long term usage, steady power, and bursts of energy. These types of paper batteries are estimated to use for powering the next generation vehicles and medical devices.

Paper Battery Properties

The properties of paper battery can be recognized from the properties of cellulose such as excellent porosity, biodegradability, non-toxic, recyclability, high-tensile strength, good absorption capacity, and low-shear strength and also from the properties of carbon nanotubes such as low mass density, flexibility, high packing density, lightness, better electrical conductivity than silicon, thin (around 0.5 to 0.7mm), and low resistance.

Advantages of Paper Battery

  • Unlike the conventional batteries, paper battery can be used by folding, cutting, and rolling.
  • Paper battery functions as a battery as well as a capacitor.
  • Paper battery is a modern storage device with ultra-thin in size.
  • It has special properties such as more economical, biodegradable, and bio-compatible.
  • Paper battery can generate electrical energy of 1.5V.
  • The output voltage of paper battery can be customized based on requirement.

Disadvantages of Paper Battery

  • The carbon nanotubes used in paper battery are very expensive.
  • The paper battery wastage may damage lungs if it is inhaled.
  • The e-wastage is generated by paper batteries.

Applications of Paper Battery

Paper Battery Applications
Paper Battery Applications
There are numerous applications for paper batteries in various fields. In electronics, paper battery is typically used in mobiles, laptops, calculators, cameras, mouse, keyboard, Bluetooth devices, and so on. Similarly, in medical sciences for artificial tissues, cosmetics, drug delivery systems, and so on. In automobiles and aircraft, paper batteries are used inhybrid vehicles because of their light weight.
Are you interested in designing electronics projects with your own innovative ideas? Then, post your ideas, suggestions, and comments in the comments section below for further technical assistance.
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Footstep power generation system using microcontroller

Footstep Power Generation System using 


Footstep  Power  Generation System
Footstep Power Generation System

Microcontroller based Footstep Power Generation System

This project is used to generate voltage using footstep force. The proposed system works as a medium to generate power using force. This project is very useful in public places like bus stands, theaters, railway stations, shopping malls, etc. So, these systems are placed in public places where people walk and they have to travel on this system to get through the entrance or exists.
Footstep Power Generation System  Circuit Diagram
Footstep Power Generation System Circuit Diagram
Then, these systems may generate voltage on each and every step of a foot. For this purpose, piezoelectric sensor is used in order to measure force, pressure and acceleration by its change into electric signals. This system uses voltmeter for measuring output, led lights, weight measurement system and a battery for better demonstration of the system.
  • Whenever force is applied on piezoelectric sensor, then the force is converted into electrical energy.
  • In that movement, the output voltage is stored in the battery
  • The output voltage which is generated from the sensor is used to drive DC loads
  • Here we are using AT89S52 to display the amount of battery get charged.

Block Diagram of Footstep Power Generation System

The main blocks of the footstep power generation system involves the following
  • AT89S52 Microcontroller
  • Piezoelectric Sensor
  • AC Ripple Neutralizer
  • Unidirectional Current Controller
  • Voltage Sampler
  • 16X2 LCD
  • Lead Acid Battery
  • ADC
Block Diagram of Footstep Power Generation System
Block Diagram of Footstep Power Generation System

Piezoelectric Sensor

A piezoelectric sensor is an electric device which is used to measure acceleration, pressure, or force to convert them to an electric signal. These sensors are mainly used for process control, quality assurance, research and development in various industries. The applications of this sensor involve, aerospace, medical, nuclear instrumentation, and as a pressure sensor it is used in the touch pad of mobile phones. In the automotive industry, these sensors are used to monitor ignition when developing internal burning engines.
Piezoelectric Sensor
Piezoelectric Sensor

Lead Acid Battery

Lead battery is most commonly used in PV systems due to low cost and easily available everywhere in the world. These batteries are available in both sealed and wet cell batteries. Lead acid batteries have high reliability due to their capability to withstand overcharge, over discharge & shock. The batteries have excellent charge acceptance, low self-discharge and large electrolyte volume. Lead acid batteries Are tested using Computer Aided Design. These applications of these batteries are used in UPS Systems and Inverter and have the skill to perform under dangerous conditions.
Lead Acid Battery
Lead Acid Battery

AT89S52 Microcontroller

This project uses the AT89S52 Microcontroller and Features of this microcontroller includes 8K bytes ROM, 256 bytes RAM 3) 3 Timers, 32 I/O pins, one Serial port, 8 Interrupt sources Here we are using AT89S52microcontroller to display the amount of battery get charged when we place our footstep on piezoelectric sensor.
AT89S52 Microcontroller
AT89S52 Microcontroller

Analog to Digital Converter

An ADC (analog-to-digital converter) is a device that converts analog to digital symbols. An analog to digital converter may also offer an isolated measurement. The reverse operation is achieved by a DAC (digital-to-analog converter). Typically, this is an electronic device that alters an analog input like voltage or current to a digital output, which is related to the magnitude of the voltage or current. Nevertheless, some partially electronic devices like rotary encoders, can also be considered as ADCs.
Analog to Digital Converter
Analog to Digital Converter

AC Ripple Neutralizer

It is used to remove the ripples from the output of the rectifier and smoothens the o/p of the D.C which is received from the filter, and it is constant until the load and mains voltage is kept constant. Though, if either of the two is varied, then the received D.C. voltage at this point changes. So a regulator is applied at the output stage.


An inverter is an electrical device that converts direct current to alternating current; the converted alternating current can be at any required voltage & frequency with the use of applicable control circuits, transformers and switching.
Solid state inverters are used in a wide range of applications because they have no moving parts from small switching power supplies to large electric utility high-voltage direct footstep power generation using piezoelectric material  that transport bulk power. Inverters are used to supply AC power from DC sources like batteries or solar panels. These are classified into two types The modified sine wave inverter’s o/p is similar to a square wave o/p excluding that the o/p goes to 0 V for a time before switching +Ve or -Ve. It is very simple and low cost and is well-suited with various electronic devices, except for sensitive or specialized equipment like laser printers.

Voltage Sampler

Voltage Sampler or sample and hold circuit is an essential analog building block and the applications of voltage sampler includes switched capacitor filters and analog-to-digital converters. The main function of the sample and hold circuit is to sample an analog i/p signal and hold this value over a particular length of time for subsequent processing. Sample and hold circuit is designed using only one capacitor and one MOS transistor. The working of this circuit is straight forward. When CK is high, then the MOS switch will be ON, which in turn permits output voltage to track input voltage. When CK low, then the MOS switch will be OFF.
Voltage Sampler
Voltage Sampler

Unidirectional Current Controller

As term specifies this circuit lets only one direction current flowing. They are diodes and Thyristors. In this project diode (D=1N4007) is used as a unidirectional current controller. The main function of the diode is, it allows the flow of current in only one direction while blocking current in the reverse direction.
1N4007 Diode
1N4007 Diode

16X2 LCD

A 16X2 LCD display is used in the footstep power generation project to display the voltage status. It is also provided with a contrast adjusting pin.
16X2 LCD
16X2 LCD
The advantages of Footstep Power Generation System project are: echo-friendly, waste of energy reduction, less maintenance cost, ultra low noise, wide dynamic and temperature range etc. This project is used for street lighting, mobile charging. It can be used in power failure situations. The application areas of this project involve public areas like temples, streets, metros, railway stations.
Thus, this is all about the footstep power generation system using microcontroller which is affordable, economical. This project can be used to drive both AC and DC loads according to the pressure we have applied on the piezoelectric sensor. We hope that you have got a better understanding of this concept. Furthermore, any queries regarding this topic, please give your feedback in the comment section below. Here is a question for you, what are the applications of piezoelectric sensor?
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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

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